Interior Restoration

interior revamp 2

This room was originally wall papered. We removed all the wall paper,  re-plastered a wall and did a lot of preparation/restoration.  The walls were painted with two  Earthborn paint colours.  Poset below the girding darker than the white above and also behind the shelves. This with a auro white -260 on the girding,  shelves, skirtings and windows. This gave the room a subtle combination of soft colour and a bright and fresh feeling. The air quility in the room was noticeably fresher without the wall paper and had a light smell of orange oil.

We also cleaned and treated the floor with Auro one off oil -wax, No 125. We polished this with a buffer that had a lambs wool pad after it had dried. It looked Brilliant.


interior revamp 5

interior revamp 2

interior revamp 4

Interior Revamp

The Upstairs room

Paper stripped back and needed total re-plaster. We used a final coat lime plaster,  this helped draw moisture out of a wet wall and gave a mat stony appearance to the walls. Auro 321 soft cream on the walls with silk white on skirtings, beading, windows and auro 321 white on celing . The room had subtle soft colours and textures and noticeably cleaner air.
